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Alteryx SparkED - New Job Board!




I wanted to post a quick message to let you know that in early September, the Alteryx SparkED program will launch a new Job Board - where our users can post open data-related jobs from their organizations, and learners can post their resumes. The goal is to match various data-related skill sets (from entry level to advanced) with open postings so that we can create a network of Alteryx users ready to take on the challenges businesses face when it comes to data.


We are looking to have several jobs and resumes posted when the Board launches in a few weeks. 


If you would like to post a job or your resume prior to our launch - please send me a message either in Community or via email: and we will get you set up ASAP.  After our launch, anyone can post jobs or resumes by visiting the SparkED group hub.


We're so excited to launch this feature and thank you in advance for your support!

Education | Social Impact | SparkED
5 - Atom

I am currently looking for a job. Set me up. Aida Jaber

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hey @aidajaber

This is a good opportunity to check our Job Board and create a post to share your experience and resume with the Community! 

Visit: to take a look in all the open positions and also create your own post. 

Good luck! 

Flávia Brancato
6 - Meteoroid

We are a Dallas Texas Based Direct Response Agency specializing in Direct Mail and email. We are seeking talented team members of all skill levels in mySQL, SQL, Excel, and Alteryx .  Additional experience with Python, PHP, Django and HTML are a plus but not necessary.  We offer full benefits package and looking for people who have a desire to lead and to grow with our department. The best candidate is a team player ready to go to the highest level they are capable of achieving. Please reach our Hiring Manager

at or 972-458-2026.