Archived Training

Spatial Analytics for Beginners

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



You have address information for your customers, suppliers or other contacts. Learn how to add a where component to your analysis. Find those nearest to you, those within a certain distance or driving time and more.


You'll learn how to:

  • Turn Lon/Lat into points on a map
  • Find customers within a certain radius or drive time
  • Measure distance between two points


Tool sets/processes covered:


Presenter:  @JoeM

Date: 2016-10-18

Alteryx Designer Version: 10.5


Is there an easy way to add a map / map layer e.g. TomTom2016 Q2?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Gregory  - at 15:46 in this video, we show how to select a map base layer. The TomTom base map is only included if you have purchased and downloaded TomTom data. If you do not have the data downloaded, then we recommend using the Carto base maps.


Hi Joe,

Video on Spatial Analytics is really cool!

I was following through the steps to create the workflow on my own. While doing so, I got struck in "Find Nearest" tool.


Dataset field in "Find Nearest" is empty without dataset. I have attached a screen print of the same.

May I request, you to advise how to proceed further.


