While we wish we could have met with our global partner community in person this year, the Alteryx Partner Summit and Awards virtual event provided us with an opportunity to honor our valued partners by recognizing 16 of our top partners around the world to receive “Partner of the Year” awards.
This year’s Summit, Your Road to Revenue, celebrates the achievements and commitment of our partners to the Alteryx business and its customers. Award winners are selected based on level of engagement in our Partner Program and their efforts around driving innovation, growing revenue and empowering Alteryx customers to solve our world’s most pressing business and societal issues.
This year’s Partner of the Year award winners from North America, LATAM and EMEA are:
Rookie Partner: Thomson Reuters
Global Partner: Data Meaning
Rocket Partner: Aimpoint Digital
Systems Integrator Partner: Slalom
LATAM Partner: Red Innovations
EMEA Partner: The Information Lab (UK)
Central Europe Partner: Reporters a.s. (Adastra)
Southern Europe: The Information Lab (France)
UK-Ireland Partner: Continuum
Benelux Partner: InfoTopics
Nordics Partner: Inviso
Middle East Partner: Beinex Consulting
Africa Partner: Dimago
North America Partner: Capitalize Analytics
Note: APAC Partner of the Year awards will be announced on Wednesday, Oct. 14.
Through their ongoing pledge to the Alteryx Partner Program, our partners have demonstrated their commitment to helping Alteryx customers break down barriers and deliver game-changing insights.
We are thrilled to highlight our partners’ great successes in this challenging year, and we look forward to reaching new heights together in the years to come.
If you are member of the Alteryx Partner Program, and you missed this year’s virtual event, please log in to the partner portal to watch the recording. If you are interested in becoming an Alteryx Channel Partner, please go to https://www.alteryx.com/partners to complete the partner request form.