Alteryx 10.1 introduces a new tool for publishing data sources to Tableau Server and Tableau Online. This new capability streamlines a number of use cases when it comes to enabling more Tableau users with clean and rich data sets prepared with Alteryx. Benefits include instant refreshes to the underlying data that fuels Tableau workbooks, the ability to edit workflows and push live on the backend, and easy automation of data refreshes.
The tool, typically placed at the end of the Alteryx workflow uploads the resulting data set to Tableau Server / Tableau Online and publishes a Data Source in the Project, and with the Name specified by the user as shown in the screenshot below:

To access this new feature, make sure to use Alteryx version 10.1 or above. Once Alteryx is installed, you will need to download and install the new Publish To Tableau Server tool from the Alteryx Gallery, search for the tool and download it.

The tool comes with a packaged installer that needs to be extracted in Alteryx Designer. The best is to double-click on the downloaded file Publish to Tableau Server [Installer].yxzp This launches Alteryx and the Import wizard. Unpack the workflow, accept to load it when prompted, then follow the installation instructions provided in the workflow.
Import wizard:

Installation Instructions

Once the tool is installed, restart Alteryx. You'll find it in the Tableau category in the Alteryx tools palette.
Instructions for using this tool are available in the Alteryx Online Help. For a quick start you may want to watch this short introduction video.
Thanks for your interest in using Alteryx and Tableau, please don't hesitate to share your feedback, comments or ideas in the Alteryx Community.