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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Sally Beauty is leveraging data to improve customer analytics, power CRM programs, and provide reporting to all levels of the organization. In the last year, the CRM & Data Analytics team has transformed their data analysis and reporting capabilities by using Alteryx to mine data and create reusable workflows and Tableau to visualize the results. Last week we were lucky to have Nikki Smith, Marketing Database Manager, join us to share how Sally Beauty:


  • Reduced time spent on data preparation so they can spend more time visualizing their data
  • Created a process for consistent reporting and scheduled data updates for their dashboards
  • Used the time they have gained to develop new CRM strategies

We encouraged the audience to ask questions throughout the webinar and one of the early questions asked was “Can you give your perspective on how you use Alteryx, and how you use Tableau, to give a clearer picture on how you differentiate the two?” As luck would have it that was covered in Nikki’s very next slide. I’ve shared it here and transcribed her answer below.


Sally Beauty is leveraging data to improve customer analytics, power CRM programs, and provide reporting to all levels of the organization.


“So how are we using Alteryx? We’re using Alteryx to do re-useable monthly reporting workflows, we’re using them because there are some great third-party options in Alteryx for demographic data. We have the ability to build Alteryx Server apps so people who don’t have the desktop Alteryx are able to run some things, there are the predictive tools and it is great for any of those complex ad hoc questions we have. About 60% of these reports are built in these re-useable workflows for consistency, we have everything from customer migration reports, loyalty reports, and we are relying on Alteryx to do a lot of the processing for us. We say here is the data we want to bring back from our datamart and Alteryx is going to process it, cleanse it, parse it for us and bring it back in a useable format. Then a lot of times we are taking that output file and bringing it into Tableau. And we are really relying on Tableau for our dashboard screen, any visualizations to the report. I have some slides that I’ll show one of the things we were using in an excel file and we brought into Tableau and we were then able to see some new trends. So we are relying on Alteryx to do the heavy lifting and Tableau to do the visualizations …. once we had all our reports converted over we then had all this extra time to say, now how can we improve our reports.”


She then went on to show how her Alteryx workflow improved their email campaign reporting, which in turn improved campaign ROI. This is just a sneak peak, there is a minefield of information in the rest of the webinar. I encourage you to watch the recording and learn from Nikki how you can benefit from Alteryx data preparation and analytics for Tableau, enhance your customer analytics and improve CRM programs.


Ready to start generating deeper insights faster with Alteryx and Tableau?

The Marketing Analytics Starter Kit for Tableau is a great way to get going with data workflows, similar to those Nikki shared during the webinar. Or for another way to get started, try our Alteryx Starter Kit for Tableau


Not ready to get started quite yet?

Check out our daily demo every day at 10 am PST. In the 30-minute demo, you’ll get a deeper look at how you can benefit from using our easy drag-and-drop tools to blend and prepare data for Tableau.Register today!