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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The theme of Inspire 2016 is “”, and we certainly hope data analysts and business leaders alike leave the conference feeling empowered, essential, and a key part of the future of their companies. There are many ways to make sure that happens – learning from other users in the Business Leader and Data Analyst tracks, and attending Product Training, just to name a few. Another sure-fire way to ensure you get some 1:1 attention and have your specific questions addressed is to attend the Solutions Center. If you haven’t registered yet for Inspire, you can do so here. And read on for plenty of details including the who, what, and when around the Inspire 2016 Solutions Center!


Inspire Solutions CenterWhat is the Solutions Center?


  • A centralized location for you to work with an Alteryx expert on your workflows, macros, apps, and tricky questions
  • A place to interact with other customers, and Alteryx engineers
  • An environment for you to dive deeper on techniques and tools that you picked up in a track or training session
  • A time to work with developers and product owners of all the tools you love


What should I bring to the Solutions Center?


The Solutions Center will be equipped with computers that have Alteryx installed, but if you are working on a specific problem, workflow, or dealing with proprietary data or information that can't leave your computer, please bring it with you so the team can help you find a solution.


Who will be at the Solutions Center?


We will be bringing even more Alteryx experts to San Diego this year to meet the high customer demands we have seen at previous conferences.  All attendees are invited to spend time in the Solutions Center, and we promise, you’ll love it! Look forward to seeing your favorite Alteryx experts staffing the Solutions Center including:



When is the Solutions Center open?


To make sure you don’t miss any of the inspiring keynote sessions, the Solutions Center will be open following keynotes and during the following dates/times:


  • Tuesday, June 7, 9:30AM-5:00PM
  • Wednesday, June 8, 9:30AM-3:15PM
  • Thursday, June 9, 8:00AM-12:00PM


Remember there will be high traffic during lunch and in-between sessions, so plan accordingly to ensure you have enough time to get answers to all of your questions. We want everyone leaving the Solutions Center chanting, “!


If you haven't secured your spot for Inspire 2016, don't delay.  Register now! And if you want to hear more details about Inspire 2016 and score a registration discount, check out the next Inspire hangout on May 4th.


See you in San Diego!

Tasha Alfano

Tasha loves working with Alteryx products, building time-saving tools, and talking to customers! When she isn't at the Colorado Alteryx office, she's usually running or biking on a trail nearby. Twitter: @Tasha_Alfano

Tasha loves working with Alteryx products, building time-saving tools, and talking to customers! When she isn't at the Colorado Alteryx office, she's usually running or biking on a trail nearby. Twitter: @Tasha_Alfano