Update 8/12 - Thanks so much for all users who have participated in the Alteryx Beta and Public Preview opportunities for 20.3. We got a ton of great feedback that will inform roadmap as well as improve the quality of our upcoming Alteryx Designer 20.3 release.
With that said, we have closed previously available 20.3 Beta opportunities, but dont despair as we have new content in the form of our new Alteryx Azure Data Lake (ADLS) Connector which is now available for beta feedback!
The ADLS Connectors are meant to enable our users to leverage the data they have in their Azure Cloud. We listened to our users’ requests from Community and enhanced the tools, so they can be used with almost any Azure setup: public cloud, government cloud, gen1 and gen2 storages, single- and multi-tenant. Alteryx Beta Program users can access the new Alteryx content and begin testing using the Sign In/Sign Up page.
The new release we are baking right now brings long requested functionalities:
Update 7/20 - New content is available for Alteryx Connect. There are now two ways to test: installed or hosted through the new Alteryx Connect Beta Server. Alteryx Beta Program users can access the new Alteryx Connect content and begin testing using the Sign In/Sign Up page.
Here's a list of the new functionality and fixed items now available for testing in the latest Alteryx Connect build:
Fixed Issues
As mentioned, in addition to the new content, the Alteryx Connect Beta Server is now available for testing the new features in a hosted environment. Instructions can be found here upon signing into the Alteryx Beta Program.
Update 7/6 - New content was added for PostgreSQL Bulk Loader. Here's the new functionality and fixed items now available in the latest PostgreSQL bulk Loader:
New Content 6/11 - Alteryx Designer Beta is now available to Alteryx Beta Program Participants! Existing Alteryx Beta Program users Sign In/New users Sign Up. Following is a summary of how and what you can test and provide feedback on!
Replace - Designer users love our ‘Find’ functionality, help us test the new Replace functionality to help users find and now Replace found values across their workflows!
fig 1 – early mockup of Replace dialog
PostgreSQL & Snowflake Bulk Loader - Alteryx bulk loaders are meant to improve the performance of data loads. Currently it takes a reaaally long time to insert via ODBC or would require you to write a custom solution to get this to work. With the new PostgreSQL & Snowflake Bulk loaders, Alteryx Designer users can write the results of their work into PostgreSQL and Snowflake databases as fast as possible.
Fig 2 – PostgreSQL Bulk Loader Connection.
Fig 3 - Snowflake Bulk With Local Staging.
Python Virtual Environment Manager - Virtual environment management is critical for enabling workflows utilizing the Jupyter tool to function in Alteryx server environments. The Python Virtual Environment Manger enables users of the Jupyter tool to manage their own virtual environments and will also make the code-friendly experience in Designer even more powerful.
Call to Action
In addition to helping orient you to the major features that we’re delivering with the next version of Designer, we want you to also do your own exploratory testing so that you can weigh in on the quality of Designer by providing suggestions or identifying bugs by signing in and adding your feedback so that our Product and Development teams can weigh them against other top priorities. Here’s how to get started!
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