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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Dean StoeckerI want to personally thank our customers, partners and associates for making Inspire 2016 quite memorable. After all, when 1,400 Discoverers, Creators and Seekers get together for 4 days in a beautiful city like San Diego, centered on their collective passion for analytics, amazing things can happen. Inspire 2016 was packed with education, celebration and inspiration on driving a data and analytic savviness that is turning the self-service data analytics world on its head.


Many thanks to our customers and partners who gave presentations and the sponsors who continually enhance our platform with complimentary product and service offerings. Your support is immeasurable.


I am always delighted to see powerful use cases for Alteryx across every vertical market and virtually every functional area. This year’s customer presentations were again powerful and compelling, with ROI stories that you never hear about any more — unless you are a self-service data analyst using Alteryx. One customer engaged in cyber security analytics reported going from 100 hours a month prior to using Alteryx to just 4 minutes after learning the Alteryx basics in just 30 minutes. Another reported cost savings of $250 million in the first year’s use of our platform. A third reported that Alteryx was the fuel behind their #1 customer facing customer loyalty app in the Apple i-Tunes store. And I heard dozens of stories like this over the course of the conference.


You never forget your first...But more than just ROI and business benefits, Alteryx seems to have touched users at an emotional level that is both profound and heartfelt. Dozens of attendees personally told me they finally love their jobs, have their careers back on track, have received raises and promotions, and are feeling more productive and willing to take on bigger challenges to drive their employers to greater success. I received the following button from one customer who told me he postponed his retirement because Alteryx filled a huge void in the ‘job satisfaction’ category. Truly awesome!


Collectively, the Alteryx community of customers, partners and employees is redefining the BI & analytics market around the world. We are rapidly moving from systems of record deep in IT to systems of engagement out in the line-of-business, so clearly your work with our platform is getting noticed in extraordinary ways. I am confident you would have been the subjects of Boorstin’s 4th book — 'The Citizen Data Scientist / The Self-Service Data Analysts who Changed the World.'


On a personal level, I am grateful to those who signed up to participate in the Alteryx for Good effort we launched at the conference. As Buckminster Fuller said, "we will not be able to operate Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody." I do hope you will donate our software or your time to causes that you believe in.


Thanks for spending time with us, telling us your stories, giving us great feedback and making Inspire 2016 quite memorable. We are looking forward to seeing you at Inspire Europe 2016 in London in September and Inspire 2017 in Las Vegas next year!


All the best!

Dean Stoecker
Executive Chairman and Founder of Alteryx, Inc.

Dean Stoecker is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and a founding partner of Alteryx, revolutionizing business through data science and analytics. Dean's leadership and motivational skills, along with his ability to create, communicate and realize a vision, are a driving force behind bringing back the thrill of solving to analysts and data scientists across the globe.

Dean Stoecker is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and a founding partner of Alteryx, revolutionizing business through data science and analytics. Dean's leadership and motivational skills, along with his ability to create, communicate and realize a vision, are a driving force behind bringing back the thrill of solving to analysts and data scientists across the globe.