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server API

8 - Asteroid

hi champions

creating a w/f which will add workflow in job queue on gallery with server API tool and then fetching the details about that job is run successfully or not with another server API tool, i m bit confused about the configuration of both server API tool. i know how to configure server API tool but need your guidance in placing and creating a loop with 2nd server API tool. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @curator_at_work ,


You can create an iterative macro that will iteratively check the job status. This macro will receive the jobID and keep running until it gets a status = success/done.


Here is more about iterative macros:



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

can u suggest, how to achieve it, any idea, resources are welcome.

thanks in advance

8 - Asteroid

i configure server API tool to post job in execution queue and its running fine, after this i can extract the job id and i will use another server api tool to get the status of a job, but after this how to make it iterative,