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"Run as a different user" and Oracle Quick Connect

10 - Fireball

My Alteryx environment currently runs as a local user but I have been testing the gallery with a service account in the "Run as a different user". When we run with this user workflows are giving me Unable to find the dll: "OCI.dll" I followed the directions:


How to Connect to an Oracle Database in Alteryx - Alteryx Community

and download & installed quick connect and  Visual Studio Redistributable from Oracle:

Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (x64) 64-bit (


But still can't get the run as user to find the Oracle driver. Have any other administrators faced this issue and resolved it? When I run workflows with this account, they can successfully access ODBCs and file locations.


I'm using 2021.3 Designer & Server

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MattBenj - can you double-check the bit version on the driver and your Designer installations? This error is common when there is a mismatch between bit versions of the driver with the Alteryx version. 

Unable to find the dll: "OCI.dll 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MattBenj 


Do you have a tnsnames.ora file? If so, please follow the directions below:


1) Check the tnsnames.ora file and gather these pieces of information… service name, port #, host, password/username

2) Replace those pieces of info in this DSNless connection string oci:username/password@host:port#/service_name


The / should remain before the password, and service name.


3) Use a new input data tool in Alteryx to paste it in the connection string



If the steps above don't work, I would make sure to follow Jishnu's post in the link below -




Hope this helps!