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difference between connection shared with a user versus subscription

8 - Asteroid

CAn someone explain what is the difference between sharing a data connection from alteryx gallery with a user vs. subscription. When i share a data connection with a user (artisan) then I can see its alias in the user's designer. What is the purpose of sharing a data connection with a subcription/studio ?


Usually each user has only one subscription that corresponds to that user's Private Studio. In that case, sharing a connection via user or their Subscription/Private Studio has the same effect. However in some cases, you can have several users sharing one Private Studio through the same subscription. In that case sharing a connection with this Private Studio ends up sharing with all these users who have access to it. 

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for your reply, as i mentioned in my question earlier, when I share the data connection with my private studio alone then the data connection is not visible to me in my studio ( even after synching connections). This is the reason I asked the question


if your user is the only user having access to its Private studio / subscription then sharing a connection with the user specifically OR the subscription has the same effect. I have tested it here to be certain.


Note: to be certain you are refreshing the list of available connections as "synch all" doesn't always work:

In Designer:

1- File - Open workflow - select your server/gallery - LOG OFF and do not log back in - Cancel to close the window

2- Options - Advanced Options - Manage Data Connection - in the type check only "Gallery" - - you should have no gallery connection or you should have a red mark that says you need to login for some of the previous gallery connections from your previous session - 

3- Click on the red mark to login


Now the display should be refreshed and you should see your data connection.


I am using 2020.2.3 server - which version of server are you using?


I am logged a "Publisher" user in Designer and I can see my Gallery connection:




I have only gave access to the Studio and not the user directly. Same effect.



11 - Bolide

I encourage you to be wary of sharing data connections at the subscription-level. Nearly all production versions of Alteryx Server do not support subscription-level sharing of data connections for scheduled workflows. Manual executions will be success; however, scheduled runs will error. My understanding is that this has been resolved only in the latest version.


To be safe, we've always stood by user-level sharing, as tedious and inconvenient as it is.