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Upgrade Cloudera to Version 6 compatible with Alteryx 2018.2.5

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


At our project we have an Alteryx Server with the version 2018.2.5.48994 and we frequently connect via Alteryx Designer to a Cloudera Big Data System to read data.

Soon we will upgrade our Cloudera version from 5.5 to 6.0 and the question is, if the version 2018.2.5.48994 of Alteryx still is compatible with the new version of Cloudera.


Do we need to upgrade Alteryx Server/Designer too?


Best Regards,



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Silvio_M 


I assume you're using an ODBC driver to connect Alteryx and CDH. If this is the case, it's the driver that does the job in the background irrespective of version of Alteryx you're running. Having said that, the supported ODBC driver by Simba which can be downloaded from here is certified for CDH v5.8 but from my experience should work on later versions as well.




6 - Meteoroid

Hi @MichalM 


Yes we use an OBDC driver but is the Impala ODBC Connector by Cloudera.

This connector should have the same support of the one that you mentioned right?


Best Regards,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The Cloudera ODBC driver for Impala is not tested when new versions of Alteryx are released which is why it's not a supported driver. It does work in most instances but I'd encourage you to use the supported Simba driver if possible.