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Update : Insert if New Option is not working on Server Gallery 2022.3

7 - Meteor



I have an SQL Server table where the Primary Key is and identity key and I am trying to insert record into this table using Alteryx Workflow. I am running this workflow from the designer (2021.4) on laptop and the workflow executes perfectly fine without the need to explicitly select the Primary Key field in the Output Tool.


We are in the middle of upgrading our Alteryx Server to 2022.3 and have upgraded the UAT server and the workflow is failing when running from the Upgraded UAT Server Gallery.(2022.3).


The Error I am getting is No Key Available to Update.


What I understood is that if the record doesn't exists it should insert the record and Primary key will be automatically created in the database table using the identity value defined on the column.


Please note that this workflow works perfectly fine in the 2021.4 Server Gallery.


Does anyone know if there is an issue with the Update: Insert If New option for the Output tool in 2022.3 version?


Kind Regards





14 - Magnetar

I encourage you to open a support ticket, this sounds like a bug.

7 - Meteor

Thank you I have raised the support ticket now.

5 - Atom

Has this been addressed by any chance?


I also have an issue with Update: Insert If New after an upgrade from 2021.4 to 2022.3 - error message: "No key available for update".


I am using a sequence with increment by 1 for the primary key "ID" that is not included in the output from Alteryx. This has never been an issue under 2021.4.



Screenshot 2024-04-30 171224.png



7 - Meteor

Did you get any response from Alteryx support? Any solution for this issue/bug?

