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Unable to download workflows from other subscriptions/private studios using the API

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey there,


I've been trying to practise a server migration, and so was building a workflow to move workflows between servers. However, whenever I try and download a workflow that lives in another private studio/subscription, I am told I'm unauthorised. 

I've tested this on swagger and get the same result - despite apparently all other endpoints working (v1-v3)


I'm a curator, and have API access and can happily download workflows from my own private studio through swagger.

My understanding was that API access would grant me access to everything on the server, and I wouldn't want to batch through every private studio in order to download all my required workflows.


I'm on 2022.1.1 


Am I misunderstanding the API, or is something else going on here?






17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @OllieClarke ,


My best bet is that you are using the workflow endpoint and must be inside the subscription for that to work.


Use the admin endpoint instead. 





Fernando Vizcaino

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@fmvizcaino knew I'd be doing something stupid. Thanks!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Not your fault. I don`t know if you remember, but in the previous versions, they had a separation between subscription API and admin API, and the differences were pretty straightforward. 

Unfortunately, they didn`t document this part well enough.