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Sharing a Macro and Workflow that uses Macro

7 - Meteor



I'm new to using the gallery and i ran into a snag. Hoping some of the experienced users share their experience on this. Thanks!


I have one macro workflow, let's call it 'A', and a regular workflow ('B') that uses macro workflow A. I can upload to the gallery and my end user can download, however regular workflow B always has an error since it is looking for a local path for workflow A. The end user can delete the macro reference and insert another one to get around this but is there a solution to where this manual step does not have to be performed?


FYI. I purposefully designed workflow A to be a macro so future flows can resuse it and to make updates easier vs. having to update multiple flows. 


Thanks for your help!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Before publishing, try setting relative paths for your workflow assets under Options -> Advanced Options