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Server upgrade

5 - Atom

I am looking to upgrade my Alteryx server to the latest version. Here is my current configuration:



Client: 10.1.12188
Server Binaries:
Service Layer


Could you please advise me on how to perform the upgrade, also what would I need to consider in terms of workflows/schedules that would face some downtime?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@mkamran Upgrading your Alteryx Server involves the same process as upgrading Designer. In short you download the latest version from our downloads page and run the installer on your server. The installer will uninstall the currently installed version before installing the new one. There are a few considerations/precations you should take before proceeding with the update though.


First make sure you have a good database backup completed. In most cases the database will be uneffected by the update, but in rare cases we have seen databases get deleted by mistake or become corrupt durring the update process. Having a backup ensures you can restore that information. Next you should make sure to note and/or backup configuration files/settings. Most of this can be done quickly by backing up a few configuration files. However, if you have set the AlteryxService to run under a specific service account this will need to be reconfigured post update. You can find detailed information on server backup best practices and procedures in the following two part knowledge base article.


Alteryx Server Backup & Recovery Part 1: Best Practices


Alteryx Server Backup & Recovery Part 2: Procedures