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Saving workflow from Designer to server is creating a duplicate workflow sometimes

7 - Meteor



My team is running into this issue from time to time.  It's creating problems because 1) it's creating a duplicate workflow with same name (why would you need a workflow with the same name anyway), and 2) the schedule configured is tied to the original workflow.  Is there any option to overwrite the existing workflow when we select "Save As" -> "Alteryx Server"?


Thank you!

11 - Bolide



When you open your workflow, do it by clicking on 'File', 'Open Workflow', 'Production Server' and then selecting your workflow in the search box. To save, click the save icon and confirm you want to save it. This will overwrite the existing workflow and it will keep the same schedule.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @JohnL248 ,


Every time you select "Save as", you will create a new workflow on the server.


To generate a new version of the same workflow, you must first open the workflow from the Gallery and then select "Save". Or selecting "Save" after selecting "Save as"


For the workflows already duplicated, you can replace and merge two workflows into one.

Here is a link showing how. https://help.alteryx.com/20231/server/replace-workflow



Fernando Vizcaino

7 - Meteor

Thank you!

7 - Meteor

we're using version control software for workflow file.  So I'm trying to deploy a new version of the workflow to the production server (by using "Save As") instead of directly opening the the current workflow on the server.