We are trying to setup the Salesforce ODBC and use in our workflows running in Designer and Gallery. We expected it to behave similar to the Snowflake connection setup we have done.
We want the workflow created to run in DEV to be able to run in PRD without modifying the connection info in workflow and correctly take the connection information from data connections created in gallery.
Currently the snowflake works as required but Salesforce get "Alias can't be resolved" error.
Please help to get this working.
Additional Info :
PRD Gallery - Data Connection
SnowflakeDI-PRD odbc:DSN=SnowflakeSDI;UID=Service-Altryx-DIPRD;PWD=__EncPwd1__
Salesforce_NextGen-PRD odbc:DSN=Salesforce_NextGen;UID=alteryx-service@domain.com;PWD=__EncPwd1__;SecurityToken=__EncPwd2__
DEV Gallery - Data Connection
SnowflakeDI-DEV odbc:DSN=SnowflakeDI;UID=service-Altryx-DIDEV;PWD=__EncPwd1__
Salesforce_NextGen-DEV odbc:DSN=Salesforce_NextGen;UID=alteryx-serviceDEV@domain.com;PWD=__EncPwd1__
Images uploaded :
Salesforce ODBC in DEV Server
Salesforce ODBC in PRD Server
Snowflake ODBC in PRD and DEV Server New