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Possibility to use containers in Alteryx Production

8 - Asteroid

I have a use case where we want to merge two or more workflows in one, where we can decide in production which part of the flow we want to run without running the rest of the flow. 

Is it something achievable? if so, how?

Appreciate the help and support? 

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@Sasthana25 what does your decision process look like?

With the brief description you have, my mind goes right to the filter tool - or the detour tool.


I'd wrap the workflow completely in a macro with the detour being controlled by an input parameter.  Then, put that macro in a workflow which determines the logic of which side of the detour to pick.


A sample/dummy version or screenshot of your workflow might help.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for your quick response @patrick_mcauliffe appreciate it. 


So we have a lot of workflows eg. 30-40 workflow for which we want to reduce the maintenance cost of each workflow on Alteryx production environment.

1. Using containers was an option proposed that would consolidate multiple workflows in one and could be scheduled to run at different times. And that would save the cost.


2. There are certain workflow that needs to run at specific times (like morning, evening, daily, monthly, yearly) so struggling to find a better way to handle my usecase. 


3. Want to also know if switching on / off container in Alteryx production environment would work?



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hmm..  I have questions:

1. What is the workflow maintenance cost?  I'm not following how this would do anything for cost.


2. Are you using something other than the server scheduler to manage workflows?  The scheduler should enable you to pick the specific times to run each workflow.


3. Changes to the workflow would need to be then published/updated to the server again to impact what happens when the schedule runs.