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Overwrite / update data in the same database (SQL server managment)

7 - Meteor

Hello community!
I have a problem, I have the following image that is part of a larger workflow. The problem is that I want to append new data (green box) in a sql database (purple boxes) and as I show in the image I am reading and writing in the same database and at the same time. I think that has created conflict on Alteryx because the flow never stops.


Is there a way for the flow to end up to the union tool and then write the data? or maybe IN-DB tools can help


PD: new data comes from IBM as400


Please help me

Sin título.png

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Danielht have you tried using a Block Until Done Tool before the Output tool as this would gather all the data in your workflow then push the data into the Output Data Tool?

7 - Meteor

Thanks @JosephSerpis !!