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Output xls from Server to shared drive

7 - Meteor


Setting up a new Server and I am trying to detail how data from Sahred drives can be used by our community.   


I have a simple Workflow that reads from a network folder and then needs to write back an xls to the same folder.


Prior to saving I am checking All UNC and then in Workflow Options - Manage Workflow Assets cehcking the Input and export tools.  On Save I get the confirmation all is okay.  However when i run the workflow on the Server gallery the workflow runs but doenst Output the expected xls to the shared folder.  I can only open the workflow on Gallery and Download the xls.


Perhaps I ahve missed something on the configuration for the output node?


Any suggestions would be helpful as this is a core user need.



7 - Meteor



You want to confirm network permissions- Ensure the server running Alteryx service has access to the shared drive. The run as user account configured in the Alteryx System settings must have read/write permissions to the UNC path. Test this by logging in as the same user and manually accessing  the shared  folder


Output tool Config-  In the Output data tool, use a UNC path (\\ServerName\ShareName) Instead of a mapping drive. Double check the path is correctly entered and accessible.


Workflow Asset management - When saving your workflow to the server, Exclude output paths from workflow assets. This ensures Alteryx writes directly to the shared folder instead of creating a temp local copy.  In workflow option make sure: The output file is NOT checked , Only required inputs are included.


Logging and debugging- Enable workflow logging in Alteryx designer (options>user settings> logging). After running the workflow in the gallery, check the Alteryx service log for error messages related to the write operation.


Test with simple write operation- Create a minimal workflow with only output data tool writing to the shared folder. Test running this workflow in both designer and gallery to isolate the issue.

7 - Meteor

Hi,  Going through the comments as below.  Still no output from the server



You want to confirm network permissions- Ensure the server running Alteryx service has access to the shared drive. The run as user account configured in the Alteryx System settings must have read/write permissions to the UNC path. Test this by logging in as the same user and manually accessing  the shared  folder


Running a workflow directly using the Designer on the Server , change UNC and it connects to the Shared folder and writes to the shared folder -  SO that would suggest no server problem.



Output tool Config-  In the Output data tool, use a UNC path (\\ServerName\ShareName) Instead of a mapping drive. Double check the path is correctly entered and accessible. - Yes


Workflow Asset management - When saving your workflow to the server, Exclude output paths from workflow assets. This ensures Alteryx writes directly to the shared folder instead of creating a temp local copy.  In workflow option make sure: The output file is NOT checked , Only required inputs are included.  If the Output file link in the asset management is un-ticked then the workflow saves with the error - can not access "shared folder\xxx"  


Logging and debugging- Enable workflow logging in Alteryx designer (options>user settings> logging). After running the workflow in the gallery, check the Alteryx service log for error messages related to the write operation.   Server Log for last run attached


Test with simple write operation- Create a minimal workflow with only output data tool writing to the shared folder. Test running this workflow in both designer and gallery to isolate the issue.  Running the worflow on Local Designer gives the xls output .  Save and runing on Gallery does not.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @MarkGi ,


As @bryan06 , mentioned, tis part here is incorrect. Workflow Options - Manage Workflow Assets cehcking the Input and export tools.


When you check the input and output boxes, that means:

  • Inputs: You are saving a copy of the file with your workflow and that copy will be always used
  • Outputs: The output will be shown in the Gallery after the workflow is ran

When you uncheck the box:

  • Inputs: Gallery will access the file from the UNC path provided
  • Outputs: Files will be saved to the UNC path provided

If your workflow is throwing an error when you uncheck the box, that means the server user responsible for running the workflow doesn`t have access to this path. 

This is more for the server admin to understand and if you are. Here it is:




Fernando Vizcaino