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Multiple Users Publishing to same Gallery

7 - Meteor
We have a group of about 7 artisans that create and publish apps for a user community of about 60. We would like to organize the apps into a few different galleries. We have figured out how to use the subscription key so that our group of 7 artisians can publish into the same private studio (and therefore share apps eachother have published to galleries that we have created), but we have not figured out how we can share an app into a gallery that someone else created.

As with many teams we deal with personel changes and vacations, so it is important to use that any of the 7 artisans be able to share an app to any gallery.

I'm hoping we've missed a simple solution.

Thanks in advance.
12 - Quasar

I was looking through a thread of unanswered posts. I hope you've found a solution to your issue by now, but I suspect that what you want to do is use Collections.

When you create a new Collection you can add apps to it and set permissions for users and private studios.

Additionally, if you go into the Gallery administration side, you can set up (multiple) tags on apps -- these tags divide your apps that appear on the Districts list in the Gallery interface.



6 - Meteoroid

My suggestion would be simply choose the app and click on sharing, then choose Place in Company's Gallery. Your group should be able to see it from the Home tab in the gallery.