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Macros don't show up in the "manage workflow assets" from the chained analytical app

11 - Bolide



I created a chained analytical app.  When I tried to upload the analytical app, I received a validation error that macros cannot find in the server machine.

However, those macros won't show up in the manage workflow assets.  I believe it's because I mapped the macro path from Option > User settings > Edit User Settings > Macro, so the macros in the second workflow with the path won't show up in the manage workflow assets.  <-- although technically it should be fine when the path in the local machine and server machine are the same...


Would it be possible to show the assets in the chained workflow even if I mapped the macro path?




11 - Bolide

I selected the assets by clicking the macros on the second workflow.  I can see those macros in the "manage workflow assets" when I upload the chained workflow into the gallery.


manage workflow assets with chained app.png