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Inputfile format error using /user/v2/workflows/{{id}}/jobs API

5 - Atom

I am trying to follow the API documentation to execute Aleryx Analytical App with File Browser tool to upload a file using i/user/v2/inputfiles/ endpoint.


I uploaded a file using /user/v2/inputfiles/

and use the file reference Id as input question using /user/v2/workflows/{appId}/jobs/ but I keep getting following error.


The Action "Tool #25" has an error: The file "In_649bab54222e00004b005cdc\BodyPart_5fa5987b-71c1-4e42-826b-68052f1fe976" is not a known format. (2) (ToolId: -1)


If I run the same App from Gallery, I am able to pass (browse) the file and run it without any issue. I tried multiple tweaks to pass the file name with extension but it doesn't work.


I also tried "specifying_inputs_and_outputs.yxzp" from Alteryx tutorial and its getting the same error.


Any help will be really appreciated.






5 - Atom

The payload looks like following.




    "questions": [
            "name""File Browse (24)",
        }    ],
I think the key question is how Alteryx formats the input file ref. Id to In_649bab54222e00004b005cdc\BodyPart_5fa5987b-71c1-4e42-826b-68052f1fe976 and does it need more detail then just file ref. id, like filename and extension. Not sure how it generates the "BodyPart_" part of the file. The In_ part is based on the file ref. Id.
Any insight on how the input file ref. Id is being used by "/user/v2/workflows/{{id}}/jobs" wil be really helpful.
8 - Asteroid

You should use below API to post file to gallery and use the return string as file identifer when kick off.


POST /user/v2/inputfiles/ Publishes a file to be used in a workflow.
Implementation Notes
Use a MultiPart/Form-Data request to publish a temporary file to be used as an input to an Analytic App. The name of the required form-data section is inputFile.



5 - Atom

Thank you Yougcan. Thats exactly I have done, as you can see the example below.


curl --location '<site>/webapi/user/v2/inputfiles/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \
--form 'inputFile=@"<inputfile.csv>


After uploading the file, I use the file reference Id into following call.



    "questions": [
            "name""File Browse (24)",
        }    ],
And getting following error
The Action "Tool #25" has an error: The file "In_649bab54222e00004b005cdc\BodyPart_5fa5987b-71c1-4e42-826b-68052f1fe976" is not a known format. (2) (ToolId: -1)


Do you have any working example/workflow for this use case?




8 - Asteroid

You code looks ok to me.

Based on error message the file id always converted to gallery version file path.


The Action "Tool #25" has an error: The file "In_649bab54222e00004b005cdc\BodyPart_5fa5987b-71c1-4e42-826b-68052f1fe976" is not a known format. (2) (ToolId: -1)
Is your target workfow works fine with file type ( .csv file uploade?) or could you share your sample target workflow?