I have ran into one problem in which we would like to resolve. The problem seems to only arise when using the Alteryx Application on the gallery. I am trying to have the Interface tools pick up its “NAME” AND “VALUE” from a External Source. This external source is a database connection we have set up on the gallery. This data in the database will change over time and I want the Alteryx application on the galley to pick up these changes. If I run the application locally I get what I expect. However, when I upload this to the gallery and run it, the interface tools do not populate and they are blank.
I have also tried Fields from a connected tool. Where I utilize a Input tool which connects to the database. However this still does not update dynamically on the gallery when the source data in the database is changed. So this workaround does not work either.
Hi @OisinMC
What user do you have set up as the Run As on the Server System Settings?
My first check would be to see that user and double check that it has access to the data source
Hi @JoeS,
Thanks for your reply.
As I am saving my workflow to the gallery, I set my workflow credentials to use a service account we have set up which has access to this Database. The workflow would not run without this svc account having access (which it does when interface tools use a static table).
Hi @OisinMC
Could you remote into the server as the service account and open the App in Designer and check it works then?
Hi @JoeS ,
Unfortunately I do not have access to the remote server, the IT department does. I will have a look with them and let you know. Do you know is this functionality I am trying to get, possible? Has anyone used an External Source database connection with a interface tool on the gallery before?
Hi @OisinMC
I just tested it on my server and it worked fine.
This is my configuration:
If I had the Run As left blank (so Alteryx is running under my System/Laptop) I got what you are seeing:
I changed the Run As to be my log in and it then worked:
So I do think it's an access issue that you are facing.
Let me know what happens when you speak to IT if it still doesn't work 🙂
Hi @JoeS ,
I appreciate you trying for me.
I signed in on the server, and opened designer and tried to run it. However, it did not work . Although, I believe this is because that when I sign into the server its a different account then the one that has access to my database. From my understanding, the way to get around this is to use Set Workflow Credentials > Always Run with these Credentials - select the service account with access to the database.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Bug on Server (with wrong credentials I believe)
Hi @OisinMC
It looks like that user doesn't have access to that data connection.
Have they been shared it from the Gallery?