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Gsheet Input Tool Authentication Failure on Server

7 - Meteor

Hi all,

I am trying to run a workflow in my gallery that uses the native GSheet input connector.. However when I run the workflow in gallery it looks like it is unable to authenticate-- I have tried both the O2Auth and User Credentials method. 


Anyone experience this or have suggestions to alleviate this blocker? Hopefully I'm missing something simple. I'm looking into the CData ODBC connector as a alternate solution; however it would be great if the native Alteryx tool would work on gallery. 




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @emilyforeman ,


When authenticating, I think the google sheets tool create a file with the logging information and that is not sent with the workflow together, one workaround is for you to publish the workflow using the alteryx designer inside the server machine.




Fernando Vizcaino