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Gallery: Queued Apps vs concurrent Apps

11 - Bolide

Hello everyone.  Does anyone know if there is a way in AlterYX to have an app force itself to be a queued application instead of allowing concurrent use?


Aka if user #1 (Brandon) logs into our gallery and clicks on an application that normally takes 5-10 minutes to run, and then user #2 (Patricia) logs in and clicks on the same application right away, then I would want the second run (patricia's run) to wait the 5-10 minutes for the First run (brandon's run) to finish before it starts its own run.


Thanks and let me know if my question isn't clear enough!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
Setup a table in your database and status it. If it is in use, cause the app to gracefully end. At the end of use, update it. You might want a maintenance app too just in case.
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11 - Bolide

Hey Marquee!  This is a great idea and is actually exactly what I resorted too in my current applications.


The first step of my app is to check for the database table record, and if found it will error out using a warning message that tells the users "The application is currently in use by "user", please try again in a few minutes".


I was mostly just hoping this was something that could be done natively within the app instead of using this 'status' methodology :-)  I apologize I should have made that more clear in my post!


As always thanks for your help!