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Gallery Data Connections not syncing with the designer

5 - Atom



We have a server with lots of gallery data connections, we recently observed that the gallery connections are not being synced with the designers of the users. I tried to rename the galleryalias.xml file and relaunched the designer but it did not create a new galleryalias.xml file.  The users are able to open workflow from server in designer, publish new workflows to the server from designer but they are not able to sync the gallery data connections. Can anyone please help in finding the solution for this


Server version: 2022.1.1.42654 Patch: 7


Thank you

5 - Atom

Well we upgraded to 2023.2.1.133 and this bug is still present in that version. We had to update the password on all the gallery data connections and then it was able to sync with the designers.

8 - Asteroid

Also not working for us. However, it stopped working after we received new computers. We can download/upload workflows, but cannot sync data connections.

I was hoping after we upgrade Server it would help, but reading the responses above, I have lost hope that it will solve the issue.

8 - Asteroid

@mkosmicki1with the latest version of Alteryx 2024.1 it states that the issue is fixed in the release notes.

Bug: TGAL-9302 + TCPE-923

Description: Server UI Data Connections are not syncing to Designer post upgrade

11 - Bolide

Unfortunately, an update to 2024.1 is currently not feasible for us - it involves a lot of upgrade path maintenance because of changes to the built-in Python environment. As this feature was working before in 2022.3, I was hoping for a fix within this major version.

8 - Asteroid

@Brinker Thanks. We need to update our server instance first. Hopefully, that fixes the issue.

11 - Bolide

As an update: We had to migrate our Alteryx Server installation to a new server machine - during this process we had to rename the machine and add a new Gallery connection our Designers. Unfortunately, this did not help our issue: we still cannot sync any Gallery connections.


Due to this change and the fact that we cannot sync new connections, we currently cannot create new workflows and upload them to the server involving Data Connections.

8 - Asteroid

@chrisha That is not good news.

The workaround we've been using is to create the data connections both on Designer and on Server. It's not optimal, but it's the only thing I've been able to come up with in the interim. 


Hopefully, an actual solution will be found soon.

11 - Bolide

Another update: I have contacted Alteryx Support about this issue and we were able to resolve the issue. In our case, the encrypted passwords stored with the data connections were corrupted. We had to update the data-connection details by re-inserting the passwords in the connection string. Only after we did this for all data connections, we were able to sync data connections with Designer again.


Not sure if this is the cause for everyone in this thread, but might be worth a try. 

5 - Atom

if the sync doesn't work . I follow below steps and it worked .

1. Login to your gallery .

2. Close the existing workflow in Alteryx designer  through which you are trying to connect or sync .

3. open new workflow then open input tool -> set up a connection -> server -> manage-> sync all 

8 - Asteroid

Still an issue having just upgraded to 2023.21.15.194 :( Just about to log a case