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Alteryx Server Discussions

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File Browse interface tool delayed Excel sheet name prompt.

10 - Fireball

This just started happening recently. I have been testing a workflow on Alteryx server and when using the file select interface tool with an Excel file, it takes about 2 minutes for the sheet name prompt to show up.

If I run this without the sheet name prompt, obviously the workflow fails because a sheet name was not provided. Not sure why it's still not a capability to pre-determine the sheet name and avoid the prompt altogether, but that's for another day.

I have built a very simple 4 tool workflow to test this and it's still not working.

10 - Fireball

I am answering my own question here, but this pretty much breaks a critical function of a majority of our server workflows. Any idea when this is planned to be fixed?

I would also add that we are on 2023.1.1.123.

Server Bug.png

10 - Fireball

Any updates on when we can expect this to be patched?

10 - Fireball

Alteryx folks, the file select dialogue is practically useless and renders all workflows inoperable.

Please let us know when we can expect a fix for this.