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Display File on workflow Failure

14 - Magnetar


I have a workflow which will be run by a user.  They will select a file and it will be loaded to a table.  As part of the workflow design, we have a number of error checks which we are performing to confirm that the data in the workflow meets our expectations.  If it does not, the workflow produces an error.

However, we also set these tests up so that there is an output file created before the error is processed.

Is there a way to easily expose this file to the end user when the workflow errors out in the Gallery?

I know that it is produced, and that I could use a Send Email event on Error to send it out, but that wouldn't give the information to the user running the workflow, who needs it.


Any suggestions?

8 - Asteroid

Please pardon my workflow's appearance. It was taken from a larger workflow and kind of mangled. But I use __cloud:userid and join that to the mongo user table which has their email. Then I use that email field to populate the email tool. Perhaps there's a more direct way but it get the job done. 

14 - Magnetar

Thanks for the response!
I think that this option could theoretically be used, but I am leery of leveraging mongodb queries if I can help it, particularly as this will be used by users who do not traditionally have access to the Alteryx server backend.