Hi all,
I am struggling with the following. I have built a flow where the input files are all in the same input folder. The Alteryx server has access to that location.
Also, the workflow dependencies are all put to " All UNC". Still, for some reason the output when run on the server is lower than the output when run in Designer.
After investigating it leaves out several lines.
I therefore tried to pinpoint where the output starts to deviate when running on the server and it turns out that after the Filter tool the output is still the same but after the Unique tool the output differs when run on the Alteryx server compared to a in Designer run. (Picture BNFlow 1)
So my first conclusion was that that the Unique tool is doing something differently online than locally. However, I wanted to make sure and I did an additional check by isolating the Unique tool from the preceding part of the flow by using the output of the Filter tool (1) as the input data for just the Unique tool with the same configuration and compare the output (2) when run on the server compared to a local run. The flow then looks as in " BNFlow 2". To my surprise however the output turns out to be exactly identical again.
First of all: how on earth can it be possible that the output of a flow is different when running on the server compared to locally?
Secondly, does somebody have an idea what the cause of this might be? So at the moment it seems not just 1 isolated tool that is causing this but some sort of codependancy between the flow in combination with the Unique tool.
(unfortunately I cannot share the data)
any suggestions would be highly appreciated, thanks!
Hi @Greenlama254 ,
That is definitely weird and not supposed to happen.
Could you tell me about the configuration of your unique tool? Are you deduplicating integers, doubles (numbers with decimals) or texts?
I`m asking this because sometimes numbers with decimals can behave differently on different machines due to the floating number point problem. https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Engine-Works/The-Floating-Point-Number-Problem/ba-p/1135898
Other than that, are your Designer and Server on the same version? That shouldn`t happen just because the versions are not matching, but it could also be a bug on one of the versions.
Fenando Vizcaino
thanks for your reply. The Unique tool only checks on one column, "Description Details" which is in a string format.
I also added the versions of the two.
If this were a bug, would you know how to report it or ask actual Alteryx people to look into this?
Thanks again
Hi @Greenlama254 ,
You need to open a support ticket with them through my.alteryx.com and flag as a bug.
Usually, they will ask for the versions and a workflow with data they can reproduce on their end to guarantee the issue is not on your side.
Before that, I also suggest running the same workflow on the server`s designer. That should have the same behaviour as running on the Gallery and, at least, you can see exactly what is going on.
Fernando Vizcaino
Thanks again for your reply and input. I am still running tests to better understand what the flow does differently on the server from locally.
It looks like that the specific column that is supposed to be checked for unique references suddenly has several hundred of blancs so that these are seen as duplicates and are left out. When the flow is run locally in Designer those fields are still populated and so most of them they are recognized as being unique. So that is still odd I would say.
The highlighted line in the attached picture is unique and so does not have any duplicates, so that proves that on the server version that column is cleansed for some reason.
However, when checking all the boxes in the Unique tool this issue does not seem to arise, so I have a quick fix. Still I want to understand what is going on.
You mentioned something about running the workflow on the server`s designer. I actually never heard of that option. How do I do that?
Again thanks for your help
Hi @Greenlama254 ,
For this specific problem, running on the server`s designer will definitely help!
You should ask your Alteryx admin about this access. The Alteryx Gallery is the front end of the Alteryx server, and if you remotely log on to the machine where Alteryx is installed, you will also have access to an Alteryx Designer there and will be able to run and see what is going on.
It is not exactly this, but to simplify, that Alteryx Designer is the one used to run your workflows on the Gallery so I`m positive you will be able to see the error happening there. (unless something very weird is going on)
Fernando V.
Thanks again for your input. Sorry but I am not sure what you mean by that to be honest and I am not sure an Admin here would grant me those additional rights. I already contacted the Alteryx helpdesk, so hopefully they can give me the answers to this issue.
Thanks again
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