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Collection screen stuck loading

I am running into an issue where my collections are not loading. Everything else on the gallery seems to be working ok, but when I click on collections, they never load. I tried clearing the cache and asked if there could be something going on with the MongoDB as described in but neither of those leads helped me. I have sat with the server administrator and the gallery admin and explored permissions to no avail. So far as I can tell, only me and one other artisan are having this issue within my company. I am exploring if a recent update may have messed something up, but I thought I should ask here in case anyone had any other suggestions. Thanks, Jared
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@Jared_Durer ,


You may need to reindex the database or you have uploaded a corrupt workflow to your Server. Please reach out to our Support team


Please send gallery logs for their review.