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Can multiple users run the same workflow simultaneously on server?

6 - Meteoroid

I'm setting up a workflow that will essentially allow users to upload an excel file via prompt on server and then push data into our planning system.  One thing I can see being a problem is if two users run this workflow at the same time.  Does anyone know if Server will "queue" the requests and run them one after another? Or am I likely to run into a deadlock error.  


An additional note, the users would be uploading different files (with different names).

19 - Altair

Do you have multiple worker nodes? Are they both accessing the same file in a network share drive? If you have multiple workers - and the file is uploaded by the user at run time - there should not be a deadlock issue - unless your planning system has an issue handling multiple requests.

13 - Pulsar

There should be no issue with Alteryx server running the same workflow at the same time.  We do it all the time.  

11 - Bolide

Hi @cbickert , 


Ideally, you wont face any issue in triggering the same workflow by multiple users unless all the files are pointing out to the same input/output file. If this is the case probably you could see that file is locked by another process error occasionally.



Ariharan Rengasamy