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Alteryx server update (2023.1) missing users

6 - Meteoroid


We’ve updated our Alteryx server to version 2023.1.1.123 and are having some issues most likely related to the mongoDB.

After the update, all our users have disappeared from the user management page. We cannot add the disappeared users again. Strangely enough, the users still appear as group members in their groups.

Furthermore, we cannot see our published workflows when connecting to the server via designer. The workflows still exists and are up and running.

Any suggestions to the problem and how this might be fixed?


We’ve tried fixing the issue by removing the locks in the MongoDB, as describe here , but this didn’t fix the issue.


We have had a support ticket with the alteryx-team for the last 3 days, but this haven’t been very productive yet :-/


Best reagrds,


8 - Asteroid

This can be resolved by running a reindex [] and a restart of services. Please reach out to support to get the steps and workflow to run.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks, @MRod 

It seems to be the solution. 

5 - Atom

Hi Team,


I am unable to find the alteryx server 2023.1 download file on flexnet. Can someone please help me with this?