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Alteryx Server

8 - Asteroid

Hi, We have an Alteryx server installed and we are trying to create Some alias using SQL server. We have a Process ID or service account but this doesn't by using the Username and password option. Is there anyway of setting up an alias using a Process ID for a Server. Thanks Martin

8 - Asteroid



So To solve this solution i have done the following.


1.Log onto the server and type Services.msc in the run section.

2.Locate the Alteryx Service double click

3.Select the logon option on the top tab

4.Change the logon form local account to "This Account" and enter the process id Username and Password

5.Press ok to confirm.

6. You now need to disable the current Alteryx service and enable the new User Account.

7.Right click the Alteryx Service and press stop then reenable the new service by right clicking again followed by start. (Please note the account needs to have admin rights to do this.

8. Once this has been completed all you have to do is add the process ID to your SQL db and then when you select windows Authentication conection using an alias this will work.



