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Alteryx Server writing to Dataverse

9 - Comet

I have created a flow that runs fine in Designer on the server VM itself, but when I deploy to server it fails to run with error: "Provided Azure application does not have required permissions for scheduling. Either disable 'use service principal' or provide an Azure app with required permissions and login again"


I am leveraging an AppRegistration in Azure and Service Principle as connection option.


Anyone be able to get this to work?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @markashman ,


There is a use service principal checkbox on the connector that you may need to deactivate. It`s either this or an Azure permission that is missing and the video I`m sharing below might help you identify it.

When I connected to Dataverse, I used this youtube video and was able to connect.





Fernando Vizcaino

Video walkthrough for configuring and setting up the Microsoft Dataverse Connector for the first time with the "Provide authentication information" option. Download and install the Microsoft Dataverse Tool from the Community ...
9 - Comet

Hi, sorry only just had chance to look at this. If I do not use the SP then I would need to provide login credentials, so we would need to provide a specific user with relevant access which to me seems less secure and would be more challenging to get through our Information Security approval process. However, are you suggesting if this approach is taken the connection will not timeout, so can be run in Gallery a day later for example?