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Alteryx Gallery Workflow User Map input

8 - Asteroid


Alteryx Newbie Warning!


I am trying to make an alteryx workflow that recieves as input a point on a map decided by the user. After that i create a trade area around that point. 

This works fine in my alteryx desktop. When i want a different point i can adjust the point in the map tool. The question is how can i make it so the user of the workflow when its on Alteryx Gallery can choose a different point before running the workflow? 


Much Appreciated!  


Hi @olehr, it sounds like you have most of what is needed...if you are using the Map Input tool in your workflow, that will appear in Gallery as well. Here's a good example to take a look at.


There's a bunch of Starter Kits, but in particular, download and install the Spatial Analytics starter kit. In that kit, the New Location Impact Analysis workflow has a Map Input tool, and I just uploaded it to Server, and when running in Gallery, that user interface is presented to capture an input location from a map.

