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Alteryx Gallery Diagnostic Report

5 - Atom

Hi ,



I was wondering if the data from Alteryx  Gallery Diagnostics page can be extracted .I want to make a report to monitor  periodic CPU and memory utilization of  each worker in the Server .I am aware that there is an "Alteryx Server Usage Report" workflow which generates a report on most of the information in the "Diagnostic Page" in the Gallery,However it seems that the "CPU Usage" and Memory utilization is not captured in this report. How can I extract this information from Alteryx Server.


Thanks in advance 

Kumaril Dhyani.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@KumarilD The Server performance information is not stored in the Mongodb, so alteryx does not track that. 


Having said that, you can use perfmon, built into the machine settings to track and grab the log files. Below are the steps.


Hit the plus sign next to Performance Logs and Alerts, and right click System Log and select properties. Adjust the sampling times to whatever you like, and when you are done, hit ok and then the plus sign at the top of the window. This page gives a pretty good step-by-step with screenshots: Perfmon

8 - Asteroid

Is this something that has still not been included in the latest alteryx version. As I want a way to automatically understand how much of CPU is used so if I need to request for more memory, I can do it before hand. 

EVen If I can set an alert that mentions if it has crossed threshold 

P.S. The link to the page in your message has been removed now, could you please reshare
