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Alteryx Fails to Read data from the objects coming from redshift data sharing.

Hello Everyone, 


Need your help and suggestion on the use case i am working with.

I am able to read data from the redshift regular tables and views using input action and IN DB actions in Alteryx

but not able to read data from the objects (views/tables) thats coming from the redshift datasharing. 


For pre-req info on redshift datasharing ->



I see this error when connecting and reading data from the datashared objects->

Error: This session is Read Only, cannot read data, same as below


Tried to apply the pre-sql ..... SET ReadOnly = 0  (same error This session is Read Only, )


Thanks  for your help and support






Hi All,


Any suggestions on the above scenario on how to fix it?

5 - Atom

Hi, Is there a solution for this?