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Ability to see workflows Run by Other Users Regardless of Type

8 - Asteroid

Hello community!


I have a question, is there a way to see another user's workflow history regardless of the run type (Manual, Scheduled etc.)?  I currently run blocks of workflows through the Gallery API and I need others on my team to be able to see the runs in case they need to cancel or stop a job.


I have seen some other responses that have indicated it is not possible, but I wasn't sure if anything has changed with more recent versions of the Alteryx Server.


Thank you so much for your help!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Jon-Knepper ,


Sorry for the delayed response. No, it is not possible to see the run history from other users.

The reason behind this is that you may have access to confidential data, i.e. the user is using personal credentials to access a specific database and/or folder. This was actually possible a while ago and Alteryx removed it, so I don`t think this will ever be possible anymore.



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

Thank you, I had a feeling that might be the case. :(