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API Download tool - Error on the Alteryx Server

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I'm trying to fetch records from an API, it works fine on my Alteryx Designer App.

But I got the below error on the server.

Error --- Error Transferring Data: Couldn't resolve proxy name(Tool Id: 6) - 6 being the download tool.


I use two API URL's  in couple of download tools, I'm pretty sure I will have to ask the Server Administrator to open up these links on the server.

Is there step guide to complete this on the server.Let me know if anyone has done this before.



11 - Bolide

Hi @rahulshetty925 , 


The firewall rules from the Alteryx server need to be opened by the server admin team. If it goes via proxy, the admin team needs to whitelist the URL and add it to the chrome/IE exception list.






Ariharan R