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AAH Security Precautions

5 - Atom

Security should be a top concern for every organization. How does Alteryx Analytics Hub implement security precautions to protect sensitive information on Alteryx Server?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Great, but really, really big question. Can you be a little bit more specific? In the meantime, I’ll hit the high points:


  • Out of the box TLS (SSL) protection on the Hub front-end (web site) and between components of the server (for example, a remote Worker talking to the Core Services)
  • Automatic encryption of Secrets in the repository
  • Purpose-built logs to let you know ‘Who did what and when” for forensic auditing purposes
  • The ability to leverage your own disk encryption software to (if you wish) encrypt storage-at-rest


And to be crystal clear, I’m talking about Alteryx Analytics Hub above. To me, Alteryx Server refers to the released-long-ago product, so I want to disambiguate.

5 - Atom
Yes, my question was for analytics hub only and it seems AAH is going to have better and robust security compared to Alteryx server. Is the detail documentation explaining these features available for customers now?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey Navneet - 


I'd agree. While AAH and Server are both quite secure, AAH lands with a few bells and whistles (like easier auditing) that take more effort in Server. 


As far as I know, there is not a distinct, "all up" ecurity-focused document for AAH - Since the product just landed, the fine folks in tech writing are focusing more on basic "meat and potatoes" topics. Papers on Security, Performance, etc. will come after AAH has been "in the field" long enough to teach us some lessons and develop reality-based best practices. 



5 - Atom

I did that but it didn't work for me.

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