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32bit Oracle input - saving on server not working

9 - Comet

Is it possible to save on Alteryx Server workflow that uses 32bit Oracle db input connection?

Currently I get error for every combination (odbc, oledb, oci)







I assume that best workaround will be getting 64 bit oracle driver and creating indbc file to have workflow run on server.

Does anyone know how to setup 64 and 32 bit oracle drivers at the same time?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@mszpot89 It is very much possible to publish and use a workflow containing a 32bit database connection to Alteryx Server. To do so the connection in question must be setup on the server as well as your local workstation. This means that the server must have the same 32bit database driver installed and a system DSN created in the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) admin panel. The specific error you are encountering occurs if the DSN name specified in your ODBC connection string isn't found on the server. For example if you have a connection string:






Then the System DSN tab in the ODBC admin on the server must have an entry named 'myOracleServer'.

9 - Comet

@KevinP - I do recall it is possible to have both oracle drivers on one machine (32 + 64 bit)

However the challenge there is to make both working at the same time without interfering each other.


I think we will stay with 64bit driver and publish workflows with INDBC connection file embedded.


As for setting connection on the Alteryx Server - we had many issues in setting those. After creating them and assigning users these connection in system dsn didn't work at all thus we stick to 64 bit drivers with indbc workflows for now.


Still we might try in the future your 32bit driver setup on Alteryx server.