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2019.4 Upgrade: Missing value email_Encryption


It would appear that the "email on event" tool in 2019.4 now supports SSL/TLS or STARTTLS email encryption.  The downside is that all workflows prior to 2019.4 don't have that feature/option and running old workflows fail.


Expectation would be that 2019.4 defaults to the "none" state and the workflow runs versus failing to load and execute.


Fix is easy enough; open workflow in 2019.4, touch the setting, and re-publish.


This post is mostly to inform others.  Our users use the "email on workflow failure" feature to keep track of scheduled server jobs that fail.  Now all our jobs are silently crashing until the workflow is upgraded.  Those upgrading and using this feature need to make a note to migrate all workflows to 2019.4 so they will run on server.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @chrisha ,


This has been fixed and the update was made public yesterday. Please find the updated version of Designer and let us know if you have any additional issues or comments.


Thank you,

Alex Polly



There's still an email bug.  




Workflow built in 2018.3.  Event fires to email people if the workflow run has no errors.


FAIL: Publish workflow from 2018.3 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully but does not send email.

FAIL: Publish workflow from 2019.3 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully but does not send email.

SUCCESS: Publish workflow from 2018.4 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully and sends email.


Please advise if I missed something.






CORRECTION:  Success was using 2019.4 Designer



There's still an email bug.  




Workflow built in 2018.3.  Event fires to email people if the workflow run has no errors.


FAIL: Publish workflow from 2018.3 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully but does not send email.

FAIL: Publish workflow from 2019.3 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully but does not send email.

SUCCESS: Publish workflow from 2019.4 Designer to 2019.4.6 Gallery.  Workflow runs successfully and sends email.


Please advise if I missed something.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Nick,


Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for raising this. We will investigate immediately.


Thank you,

Alex Polly



@apolly -- @npsmith had me concerned so I ran a couple tests after upgrading UAT server to 2019.4.6 and want to report that we're not experiencing these issues. Our scheduled jobs created with Designer 2018.1, 2018.2, 2018.4, 2019.1 have successfully emailed when the job did and didn't have errors.

I created a workflow in Designer 2019.2.7 and deployed that to the gallery and the gallery run sent the success email.

I pulled a workflow created on Designer 2018.3 from the server, added an Email Event, re-published it and it successfully emailed me the run log. Version history shows Designer 2018.3 for the re-publish. I'd be curious to know what you find or if others are experiencing similar issues as npsmith before we go to Prod!


UPDATE: We are not seeing this consistently, but can't tell why it's not working in the specific scenario's test data.  We'll update this post as results come back. Thanks!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi, Thank you both for your quick responses. Npsmith, are the workflows run on Gallery with different versions? We did put a patch out at one point that fixed an email issue. The latest Gallery build has the fix, but could you be running workflows on two different version Galleries?


Alex Polly



We have a 2018.3 workflow that is running on our 2019.3 PROD.  We uploaded that workflow to our TEST 2019.4.6 (latest release that fixed prior email issue) and saw the issue there in our TEST environment.


UPDATE: We got this to work.  Randomly, I decided to change the dummy FROM address to something else as well as the subject.  It worked after doing that.  We have a handful of workflows that all had this issue - random corruption of the workflows maybe? They are all built/managed by the same user/studio so maybe something related?


Sorry if this made anyone overly nervous, but I thought the coincidence of an email issue was worth raising the post to see if we were running into something.

