I just upgraded Alteryx server from 2018.3 to 2019.3.
During upgrade process, I had to upgrade MongoDB from 3 to 4.
Everything looks fine. But since the upgrade process finished, I'm unable to connect to Galley.
I encounter the following message :
{"data":null,"exceptionName":"UnavailableException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"The system is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try your request again later."
and in the Gallery log file there are the following lines (SELVES is my server name) :
2019-11-15 12:52:56.140870;INFO;39;AuthorizationMessageInspector;AfterReceiveRequest;c2f43845c368476e8b99dd1b93a9360e;unauthenticated;;SELVES;;GET;/gallery/api/status/ping/;;-1;CloudRequest;
2019-11-15 12:52:56.140870;INFO;39;AuthorizationMessageInspector;AfterReceiveRequest;c2f43845c368476e8b99dd1b93a9360e;unauthenticated;;SELVES;;GET;/gallery/api/status/ping/;;-1;Migration 0 is running.;
2019-11-15 12:52:56.140870;ERROR;39;ErrorHandler;HandleError;c2f43845c368476e8b99dd1b93a9360e;unauthenticated;;SELVES;;GET;/gallery/api/status/ping/;;-1;Exception caught by ErrorHandler and marshalled to client;Alteryx.Cloud.Common.Exceptions.UnavailableException: The system is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try your request again later.-> à Alteryx.Cloud.Server.AuthorizationMessageInspector.AfterReceiveRequest(Message& request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)-> à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.AfterReceiveRequestCore(MessageRpc& rpc)-> à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage2(MessageRpc& rpc)-> à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ImmutableDispatchRuntime.ProcessMessage11(MessageRpc& rpc)-> à System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.MessageRpc.Process(Boolean isOperationContextSet)
2019-11-15 12:52:56.427885;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;Database requires migration from 20 to 24. Attempting to obtain lock...;
2019-11-15 12:52:56.432888;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;...lock could not be obtained. Another process is likely performing a migration. Please standby.;
2019-11-15 12:52:57.436946;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;Database requires migration from 20 to 24. Attempting to obtain lock...;
2019-11-15 12:52:57.436946;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;...lock could not be obtained. Another process is likely performing a migration. Please standby.;
2019-11-15 12:52:58.446004;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;Database requires migration from 20 to 24. Attempting to obtain lock...;
2019-11-15 12:52:58.446004;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;...lock could not be obtained. Another process is likely performing a migration. Please standby.;
2019-11-15 12:52:59.455105;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;Database requires migration from 20 to 24. Attempting to obtain lock...;
2019-11-15 12:52:59.460063;FATAL;1;Runner;MigrateDatabase;;;;SELVES;;;;;;...lock could not be obtained. Another process is likely performing a migration. Please standby.;
I tried to stop and start Alteryx service serveral times but the problem remains
Does anybody could help me ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
The database migration completed successfully.
But the problem was still present.
The problem was solved by support.
As the server I tried tu upgrade was a clone of my production server VM, the old server name appeared to be still registered somewhere on the mongo database.
The following procedure solved my problem:
#1 Enter Mongo shell – open command line as an admin
#2 Change to Alteryx bin directory – for the default enter:
cd "\Program Files\Alteryx\bin"
#3 Connect to the Mongo Shell
mongo localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery -u user -p <PWD>
#4 Open the database
use AlteryxGallery
#5 You should see some type of welcome message to indicate you got in successfully
#6 Verify the presence of locks
Enter: db.locks.find()
#7 It should return 1-2 locks
#8 Remove the locks
#9 Exit MongoDB
Glad to hear! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this post!
We encountered a similar problem when moving Alteryx server and this did the trick!
Thanks, worked brilliantly on our 2018.02 to 2019.3.6 migration to new host + upgrade 🙂
Potentially saved us few days worth of investigation.
Thanks for this information, I have the exact same problem but I am not able to delete the locks as with both passwords it is saying not authorized.
I can view the locks but not delete them.