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yxmd Files Alteryx

7 - Meteor



i am very new to Alteryx can anyone give me some idea about YXMD   files in Alteryx


got one yxmd file which need to publish to alteryx server but all input and output files stores inside folders will it work in  server?


do i need to change any settings?  

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

If you need to keep the inputs etc with the workflow then you’ll likely want to package it before putting it on server. More info here:

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

To add to @DataNath 's point, I'd suggest thinking about what you need the workflow to achieve. You can definitely package your input files to be posted along with the workflow, but they will be static. Typically when I think of deploying something on the Gallery it would be something where users can change the inputs or have the input be dynamic in nature.

11 - Bolide

That can be complicated and vary from setup to setup. 


The Gallery cannot access files stored on your personal computer. However, if they are stored on a share drive somewhere, and the account that the Alteryx Gallery is running as has access to that share drive, then it should be able to access the files on the share drive. 


In that case you may have to use the ip address and full share drive name rather than using a mapped network share you may have an your computer. so instead of something like x:\fileshare\file.xlsx, you will name to have something like \\\fileshare\file.xlsx. That depends on how yours is set up. 


There are other options as well. When you save your workflow to the gallery, if you click on "manage workflow assets" you can sometimes zip up the input files into the workflow itself when you save it. Then it will save a copy of it in the workflow and use that copy for running on the gallery. This doesn't work if you intend for the file to be changed by some exterior process and the server to use the changed file. So I don't recommend it. 


There's also options to tell the gallery-saved workflow what credentials to use when running. Then you could give them your credentials and thus have access to the share drive files even if the gallery user account doesn't. 


For our group, we have our inputs on a share drive, we've given the gallery service account access to that share drive and we use the full ip address when referring to files on the share drive and everything works great for us. 



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