Here's what my data looks like below, all these headers in one cell, but I want to split them into multiple columns!
Order ID;Shop;Quantity;Units;Category;Product;"Product ID";Variant;"Variant ID";SKU;"User name";"Register name";"Sales date";"Sales time";Latitude;Longitude;"Cost Price";"Retail Price";"Total VAT";"Total margin";"Margin %";Total;"Vat Rate";"Discount Description";"Discount Amount";"Discount Percentage";"Accounting category ID";"Accounting category name";"Sequence no.";"Customer ID";"Customer name";"Vat rate ID";"Vat rate name";Comment
Does anyone know how to do it? Thank you in advance!!!!!
We can use a Text to Column tool to do the work.
Hi Qiu,
Thank you for your solution, it gives me some hints, thanks a lot!