Hi, Thanks for your time
I have this log file server log (alteryx server log file) into database tables - In one of the column i have the data like
name: message
value: 78|1|odbc driver version: 03.80
name: message
value: 78|1|1639 records were read from odbc:driver={odbc driver 17 for sql server};
name: message
value: 7|1|1117 records were true and 522 were false
name: message
value: 14|1|522 records were true and 1117 were false
This is just 1 pattern i have in one record where the pattern is to find the "records were read from odbc:" and look for the number before it in this example 1639
I tried this
right(Substring([LOGCOLUMN], FindString([LOGCOLUMN], 'records were read from odbc:')-10,+10),5) - i have used 5 with right function because it is an example for this pattern and i know - but i cannot hard code, any suggestion please - without hard coding i need toget the value 1639