Does anyone have any ideas how to fix? I'm trying to do a simple EDIT > Replace menu, find / replace all with specific text in my workflow. It highlights all the results that it finds, but it doesn't apply the replace. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Use a text editor like Notepad++ on your YXMD file. Of course create a backup first.
Which version are you using? Haven't seen that problem before. Have you tried closing Alteryx completely then re-opening?
The Notepad++ find/replace did succesfully make the changes as a workaround. But, I don't know why it wouldn't work in the Alteryx designer. It appears to replace everything when attempting to do the find/replace, but no changes are made. Please advise if other users are experiencing this issue as well. Thanks!!
Alteryx Designer x64
Version: 2023.1.1.336 Patch: 5
You could use a MultiField Tool and use the following.
Edit: I didn't realize you are updating comments and configurations as well. This would only work with data in the workflow.