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"Advanced Filtering"

7 - Meteor

So, I use a lot of advanced filtering in Excel/VBA


Is there a way to feed Excel files into Alteryx for filtering or make a filtering table in Alteryx instead of writing out a long-winded statement under Custom Filter? I have three cases in the file attached:


1) column A...list is really long, I would not want to type that all out as filter statement in the Filter function of Alteryx


2) column C....what about wildcards?  I would assume * would work in Alteryx, but again, I would not want type that all out


3) columns E and is a AND condition...e.g., filter for "BA" AND ABC code = 3401 (because there could be BAs with other ABC codes, but I dont want)  ....can be done in custom filter, but what if this list gets really long?

10 - Fireball

Hi @daveyc3000 


I believe you would want to use:


1) Join Tool

2) Find Replace Tool

3) Join Tool


Happy to show practically if required. Attached, I was being lazy.



7 - Meteor

sorry for the advanced filter I use in Excel (column C of the file I attached)....


my source file will have the header "description"...within there, there could be







and hence the wildcards I have in my filter criteria


So, you're find and replace solution would work?  Sorry for the late reply ...and by looking at your workflow for this particular issue, I am failing to understand how the solution would work 

12 - Quasar

Edit: Just noticed that @Matt_D uses the same Find/Replace method. Yes it will work. Be careful to select "Any part of field" and possibly "Case Insensitive Find".


Using the join is easiest for ABC Code, but description is a partial match.


There are 2 methods that may work here off the top of my head. 


  • The first is using a summarise to make the filter condition and paste it into the filter. Note the separator at the bottom of the summarize tool.
  • The other is using a Find/Replace with the append option
7 - Meteor

sorry so how would i incorporate , for example, this dataset into the workflow? in the sample data, "WIZARD" should be excluded from the final output as obviously Wizard is not one of the wildcard terms in the filter list.


another question, how do you resize the containers (eg make it bigger so there's more space surrounding the icons)?

7 - Meteor


12 - Quasar

Take another look at the sample workflow I posted with the Find/Replace method. If you update the top Text Input with your sample data, you'll see the output after the filter does exclude WIZARD.


As for the ocntainers, on the container configuration, you can set the container borders to give more room, but the actual sizing is automatic around the tools. The other method if you want a big fixed size grouping is to put a comment box around everything, right click and "Send to Back".


7 - Meteor

im getting a field1 error


also, how can i add a comment box? under "documentation," when i click it then try to draw a box in the workflow, it does nothing

12 - Quasar

In my sample, I called the field [Field1]. You can rename that to whatever your field is called...


For the comment box, drag the tool on to the canvas like all the other tools.

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